Our thanks to "Lt. Ungyo" and Officer Jason "POW-der" for keeping our streets safe and for helping me train yet another fine cadre of Michigan's finest. Thanks also to our students for their enthusiasm, questions, and willingness to train hard. I know you have a very dangerous and often thankless job. The old saying is true "As You Train, So Shall You Fight". I hope I've given you some insight into being a smarter, more aware, more effective operator.
Just a few of the comments from the Participants-in-Blue:
“Guro Davidson’s training is an outstanding compliment to the PPCT instruction we receive at the Police Academy. The training is fluid and adaptable. This is a must for any police officer!”
- M.J., Wayne County Sheriff Department
“Guro Davidson’s class introduces effective martial arts skills that are far superior to those typically taught in the U.S.A. This course will enlighten the trainee not just to techniques, but an entire philosophy of Defensive Tactics. I highly recommend this class”
- R.L., Oakland County Sheriff Department
“As a long time martial artist, I was very impressed with Guro Davidson and his instructors. This was the most effective Police self defense class I’ve ever had in my 19 year career.”
- R.L., Oakland County Sheriff Department
“As a long time martial artist, I was very impressed with Guro Davidson and his instructors. This was the most effective Police self defense class I’ve ever had in my 19 year career.”
- M.B.,
City of Eastpointe Police Department
“I’ve been an officer
for over 12 years and am certified in two states as a Police Defensive Tactics
Instructor. The first 2 hours of Jeff
Davidson’s class blew the past 12 years of my training away!”
- T.P., City of Troy Police Department
- T.P., City of Troy Police Department
“Outstanding! Clear, concise instruction using natural movements. This class is a must for all Law Enforcement personnel. I wish I would have known this prior to getting stabbed on duty years ago.”
- P.M., Sterling Heights Police Department
“Guro Davidson teaches nothing less than pure survival in
its simplest and most effective form”
- D.B., Wayne County Sheriff Department
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