Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tactical Pistol Seminar!

The Detroit Kali-Silat Academy is proud to host a very important workshop in January:

Please click the above link for details

See You There! 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Detroit Kali-Silat on the Move

Greetings all!  Due to the highly sensitive nature of the material we are teaching, we have moved our classes from Dearborn to a new SECRET training location in Detroit.  Our new secret training facility is located in:

The Russell Industrial Center
1600 Clay Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48211

We are in Building #1, on the second floor Suite 206

It can be a bit confusing if you're not familiar with the complex (making it all the more secret, I suppose) so in the next post I'll illustrate exactly how to get to class - but remember: "Mum's the word"

In the meantime, feel free to call 248-981-7495 or email me for more information.  When calling or emailing, please remember to mention the secret password "Detroit Kali-Silat".
